Kids these days…what is popular with the youth of 2014

 2013-2014 Popular Culture Inforgraphic
pop culture infographic

O’Reilly, G. (2014). Epic Infographic of the Year’s Standout Moments. Retrieved 23rd August 2014 from

From social media tools, technology, music, film, television, novels and celebrities, what ‘kids these days’ find entertaining differs greatly. Oh, how times have changed! What was popular when I was young is very, very different in 2014. If I am honest I will never understand the appeal of some of these trends, such as twerking and the Call of Duty computer game. However, there are aspects of today’s popular culture that I do find just as enjoyable as young people, such as the scandalous reality television programs and The Hunger Games trilogy. After speaking to my Year 10 History class they informed me what is popular with them today. From this insightful discussion I have created a Pinterest page.

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